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History of MHS Boys Basketball 

Before Minford joined the SOC, they were a member of the Scioto County League. The first basketball team at MHS was the 1923 - 1924 team. The coach of that team was Mr. Johnson. The first team photo that we could locate was the 1924 - 1925 team. The photo is below:
Back row:  Oberley, Helt, Carr, Kayser, Newman, Bennett, Purdy, Dawson, Frowine, Shuter,
Front row:  Snyder, Moore, Downey, Wood - Coach
 Minford Joins the SOC

When Minford joined the SOC Basketball league in 1947, the team was on fire!

The Falcons won the SOC title their first year out. The boys didn't stop there.  They continued to break records. They were Scioto County Champions eight consecutive times, breaking the local record!

The Boys Basketball Team won the SOC title in
1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955

Click here to see photos of
1948, 1950, 1951, 1952 teams


Headline and article from the December 18, 1947, issue of
The Portsmouth Times, p. 22.


With the completion of its basketball schedule to include two games with each of the five Southern Ohio league members, Minford High School has become the newest member of the six-school conference.

The organization voted at its regular monthly meeting last week to admit the Falcons if a satisfactory schedule could be arranged. This has been accomplished, Coach Ed Hall said today, and his school will field a baseball team this spring for the other major sport required by conference regulations.

The two games already played with SOC teams will go into the record as league games--a 40 - 22 victory over East High and a 41 - 31 loss to Washington.

This places the Falcons in the middle in league standings, Waverly and Washington having one win apiece and the Tartans, two losses.

Added to the Minford schedule are contests with Glenwood at home December 22 and at New Boston January 15, with Waverly away January 7 and at home January 31, and with Central at home December 20 and at Grant gym February 11. The second Glenwood game necessitates the advancing of the scheduled Green game one night to January 15.

This means the Falcons will have three conference games in four nights, meeting Central, Glenwood, and East, this Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday respectively. Tonight they play Valley High at Lucasville in a Scioto County League game originally scheduled for Friday night.

Victorious in eight of 10 starts this season, Coach Hall's boys show promise of making a strong bid for the SOC crown in their first year. Other than Washington, the only loss was on December 2 to the then undefeated Wheelersburg Pirates, 41 to 36.

 Research by R. Lavender
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Minford Local Schools
491 Bond Rd.  |  Minford, OH 45653  |  P: 740-820-3020  |  F: 740-820-3334
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Home of the Mighty Minford Falcons!