1932 - 1933 Girls Basketball Team
Photo and article from the Sunday, May 28, 2000, issue of the Portsmouth Daily Times, p. C6.
Article by Times Staff Writer, Kirsten Stanley
Charlotte Brisker, front row holding the ball, now 84, is shown with the Minford High School Basketball team and their coach, Harry Bitzer, at the close of the 1932 - 1933 championship season.
When 84-year-old Charlotte Brisker played basketball in the early 1930's, there were few opportunities for women to participate in sports. In fact, other than the basketball team, there were no other sports available for girls at Minford High School.
Brisker said, "I think the only other thing we had was a track meet once a year and I didn't like that kind of stuff, so I didn't get involved with it."
Although her opportunities were limited, playing basketball made a lasting, positive impact on Brisker's life.
"We just got on our school bus and went all over the county playing other teams. I really had a lot of fun and I enjoyed playing with the other girls. It was a good time. We were even the champions a couple of year, I think," Brisker said.